jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

Entrenando en la interpretación del medio de las películas

Entrenando en la interpretación del medio de las películas


Elementos para entrenar a los niños, jóvenes y adultos en la interpretación de los valores expresados mediante el cine

Repetidamente y en muchos lugares se ha expresado el deseo para tener una guias para la reflección y las sugerencias prácticas apuntadas a ayudar a padres y profesores a despertar a los niños y adolecentes ante los problemas puestos, en su nivel, por la presencia en sus vidas de las imágenes en movimiento y particularmente sobre el cine, que este años celebra su centenario. It is well known that this desire accords with the appeal made in the Pastoral Instruction "Aetatis Novae", which views as a duty action directed towards the formation of "a critical sense which is animated by a passion for the truth" and committed to the defence of values. It is indispensable, therefore, that serious efforts be made to educate our youth in the correct understanding of the mass media, and in our particular case, of the cinema (cfr. AN, nos 13, 14 & 28). In response to this call, groups of specialists from various countries have been formed. The outlines they propose for work and reflection suitable for the various age-groups are presented here. The overriding concern of these drafting committees is evident: children's fundamental right in life not only to their daily bread and a healthy environment but also to those values of existence which guarantee the development of their whole person in accordance with their highest aspirations. Among these criteria, it is essential to recognize the vital importance of spiritual and religious values, which express humankind's relationship with God and reach their culmination in the faith, hope and charity fully revealed to the world in Jesus Christ. If children have a precise right to know these values, to shed light upon their freedom and the responsibility of their choices, the church has a no less precise duty to acquaint them with such values, using all the means at its disposal, including the mass media. This directly involves parents and educators.

It should be clear, on the other hand, that the exercises proposed here, which are intended for various levels of age, commitment, means and participation, will have to be restudied and adapted according to the mentality... and the material capabilities prevailing. In some places information pamphlets and forms can be illustrated with pictures or drawings taken from local publications. In others, the initiatives suggested - crossword puzzles, songs, competitions, etc. - can be augmented by the local people themselves. It seemed appropriate, also, not to omit some points for reflection, to help the adult groups to realize more fully the significance of this anniversary and the responsibilities and opportunities associated with it. Below is a list and description of the texts which make up the attached document.

1. An introductory text prepared by Professor Luciana Della Fornace, Vice-President of AGIS (Italian General Association for Entertainment), Schools Section, with some observations on the various keys to achieving a critical approach to and understanding of the motion picture medium and its content. The ideal thing would be for each teaching authority to create its own training forms/questionnaires, in accordance with cultural and environmental conditions, for a made-to-measure programme for cognitive and psychological development.

2. A clear and simple proposal, easy to implement, prepared by a group of experts from the Catholic University of Uruguay, collaborators on the "Plan Deni", for the training of children and young people in social communications in Latin America. After an exposition for teachers, outline approaches are suggested for:

a) children from 6 to 9

b) children from 10 to 13

c) young people from 14 to 18.

3. A slightly more complex proposal, aimed at the development of personal maturity, in which certain values are examined in depth, in search of knowledge and a more thorough analysis of the audio-visual medium, of which the cinema is a part.

The catechetics prograrrlmes proposed cover:

1. Children up to 6 years of age: for parents and teachers

2. Children from 7 to 10: for parents and teachers

3. Adolescents from 11 to 14: for adolescents and teachers

4. Youth in general

5. Young people from 15 to 18: for young persons and teachers

6. For parents' associations

7. For groups of adults in general.

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